What is Walk-N-Talk Therapy?

2223478821Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming…

Walk-N-Talk therapy is the fun aunt or uncle of traditional mental health therapies. Instead of staring at a computer for another hour of your day, why not lace up your tennis shoes, lather on the sunscreen, and get outside?

Walk-N-Talk therapy is exactly what it sounds like. We walk while we talk. There are numerous benefits to a more active variation of mental health counseling, like the biological advantages of movement, less eye contact, more stimuli to activate senses, and plenty of sunshine and trees to appreciate.

Yes, I know it sounds too good to be true. And even though Walk-N-Talk therapy is amazing, there are some drawbacks. First, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed while in Walk-N-Talk counseling sessions. Second, scheduling and weather can play a huge part in the consistency aspect.

We can make Walk-N-Talk therapy work for you.

For one thing, you get to bring your fur friend or meet mine (Lois, a 135-lb. Great Dane-Mastiff mix who is full of love, treats, and attitude).

We will devise a plan before we start Walk-N-Talk to help protect confidentiality as much as possible.

And as for the weather. . . we live in Ohio, where it could snow in May, so we will always have a backup plan, and we’ll make our decision at least two hours before each session.

1245151186How does it work?

There are two ways it could work. First, we could meet in person at a designated location that we mutually agreed upon. And we spend the 50-minute session walking, talking, following the same structure, and using the same goals as we would in a typical session.

The second way involves cell phones. You would go somewhere that you feel comfortable walking or being. And so do I. Then we complete our walks separately while simultaneously having sessions over the phone. Headphones are recommended for obvious reasons.

Whatever method you decide on, Walk-N-Talk therapy may be exactly what you need to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. Reach out now!